Some photos from this morning’s service – The Blessing of the Plough and the Lamb. The lamb, who was only 8 days old, behaved beautifully. She was named Baa-bera by a member of the congregation.

A Selection of Photos from Our Christmas Services

Service of Reflection and Remembering
On Sunday 5 November we held our annual joint service of Reflection and Remembering when we remember loved ones who are no longer with us. During the service, the names of those who had died were read out and their friends and relatives came up to the altar with a red carnation which was used to form part of this beautiful cross.

Agape – Maundy Thursday
25 people from St Thomas’ and St John’s joined together for a meal and worship on the evening of Maundy Thursday , followed by the Watch in the Chapel at St John’s Church. Many thanks to all who helped to prepare and serve the food.

Lent Study Group

Our joint Lent Study group is focused on the words of the Lord’s Prayer. We have had two meetings now which have proved very popular. There are still four meetings to go and there is no problem just dropping in one week, as each week is a stand alone topic. The next meetings are on the following Tuesday mornings at 10.00 a.m.:
March 14th at St John’s
March 21st at St Thomas’
March 28th at St John’s
April 4th at St Thomas’
Everyone welcome.
Christmas at St Thomas’s

The Crib Building Service Christmas Eve 2022
This is always a lovely occasion, and this year we were very pleased to have so many people attending.

Christmas Carol Service with Whirley School
Christingle Service December 2022

Rum and Coffee Morning (with cake and raffle)…🍰🍵.

Joint CAMEO Christmas Party
The joint St Thomas’/St John’s Christmas Party took place last Friday afternoon at St John’s. It was a really lovely occasion. 39 people enjoyed the games, food and carol singing (see photos below). CAMEO is held every month (1st Friday of the month at St John’s and 3rd Friday of the month at St Thomas’). If you’d like to come along to any of the sessions in the New Year, please contact us. There is no charge, and a hot drink and cake is provided. Carole 611477, Christine 511784, Linda 424505


Congratulations to our Reader, Linda Craig, who graduated from Chester University at the beginning of this month, with a Foundation degree in Mission and Ministry.

Service of Reflection and Remembering
They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning,
we will remember them,
we will remember them.
From ‘For the Fallen’ (1914), by Laurence Binyon
CAMEO Platinum Jubilee Party
36 people attended our Platinum Jubilee Party at St Thomas’ Church Hall. It was a really wonderful afternoon. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this afternoon such a great success. CAMEO is on every month, usually on the third Friday, and every one is welcome 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

CAMEO Joint Christmas Party

The Cameo Christmas Party took place on 4 December and was very well attended by people from both churches. Thank you to Jane West for organising all the activities, especially the Sprout Bingo, and to everyone who worked so hard to make this event such an enjoyable occasion.

We were very pleased to welcome Scott and Amanda back to St Thomas’ Church on 26 September, along with their family and friends. The couple were married at St Thomas’ in 2011 and were celebrating their 10th Wedding Anniversary by renewing their wedding vows. Congratulations Scott and Amanda!

Our first meeting of CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) took place on Friday 20th August from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. 27 people attended, which was wonderful. It was so lovely to see one another again and catch up. This event takes place monthly (on the 1st Friday of each month at St John’s and the 3rd Friday of each month at St Thomas’). The next meeting will be on Friday 17 September. CAMEO is open to anyone – there is no need to have an existing link with the church and there is no charge for attending! We even offer a lift if you need one. It’s a great opportunity for people to meet and have a chat, whilst enjoying tea and cake.
For more details contact:-
Carole:- 01625 611477,
Christine:- 01625 511784,
Linda:- 01625 424505