Vicar – Rev. Canon Simon Bessant

Priest in Charge for St Thomas Henbury and St John Macclesfield.
Simon presides over Holy Communion services, as well as regularly preaching at St Thomas Henbury.
Simon has been a real blessing to the congregation with his unique style of preaching and sensitivity of care to the development and growth of our faith.
Simon has an unique, evangelical sense of humour. 😀
Tele: 07957211319
Churchwarden – Bob Toms

Whilst we are awaiting the appointment of a full-time priest-in-charge at St Thomas Henbury, any queries regarding the church, should be direct to our churchwarden.
“Bob will always be more than happy to deal with any enquire you may have regarding Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals services”.
Bob Toms.
Email:- The Church Warden
Tel:- 07753 583555
St Thomas Church Secretary, Church Reader, Church Safeguarding Officer – Linda Craig

Church Secretary Duties;- The church secretary handles a wide range of tasks, from responding to emails, and also acts as a liaison between the parishioners and church’s administrative branch.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:– Demonstrates the ability to clearly and effectively communicate information to parishioners and visitors, to know everything at a moment’s notice, calm the storms and level mountains with just one look.
Work Environment and times:- work environment “that cupboard at the back of the church hall” working hours “24 hours a day 7 days a week”.
Salary:- A free pass from St Peter at the gates, while on earth “never appreciated, when it goes wrong its your fault”.

Linda can do all above as well as being a church reader. Linda can be seen leaping tall building in a single bound while writing church services and sermons. Linda can often be heard praying the church secretary’s pray, “God give me patience and be quick about it, please….!”.🙏
Congratulations to our Reader, Linda Craig, who graduated from Chester University this year with a Foundation degree in Mission and Ministry.
E-mail:- Contact Church Secretary
Tele: 01625 424505
Eco/Families Worker – Andrea Fitton
Pastoral Care Team Leader – Carole Curzon

If you wish to have a home visit from a member of the pastoral care team, for yourself, or someone you know, or you would like to be included in our prayers, please contact Carole Tel: 01625 611477.
Carole serves great coffee and tea and fantastic cakes, and always has a warm smile.
We all appreciate her love and care.😃
Treasurer – Lesley Brown

Lesley works hard at keeping the church pennies under control and you just need to understand with all treasurer the first answer to any question will be “how much will it cost” swiftly followed by “How much….!”, and then “NO….your not having it….”!
Lesley Responsibilities as treasurer:-
General financial oversight
Funding, fundraising and sales
Financial planning and budgeting
Financial reporting
Banking, book keeping and record keeping
Control of fixed assets and stock
“we would be lost without her and we really really really appreciate all her hard work”.😀
E-mail:- Church Treasurer
Tele: 07789744473